Wednesday 5 April 2017

La Huasteca Potosina



After back to back expeditions and travelling,with a quintessential note,we decided to explore a new place for the last time here in Mexico and that too with a gang of 13 people..A sudden plan with a bunch of enthusiastic people all around who however supported to make this trip memorable.Life gives you some surprises and you never know until and unless you wonder about the path that is forbidden ..Let me introduce you all with those guys who accompanied us in this trip.

Arpita (My college mate),Liton da and Suparna(our all time travelling partner in Mexico with their sweet child Ishaan),Ram(the entertainer whom we last met in our Acapulco trip),Sam(The Army man who himself is a big enthusiast),Saran(wonderful cook who made us feed with his beautiful chicken preparation),Vicky(Our dj in the trip),Pattavy (the Katappa who made us laugh with his humour )Tirupati(shy but funloving),Vishwa(the carricature man) and Prasad ji(hats off to this man for his enthusiasm),The gang of 13 people altogether began our journey that ended up like anything,,

                                              THE GANG ALTOGETHER...

Before intriguing into the gateway of this journey ,lets have a look about the place,,


La Huasteca is the place defined by the area dominated by the Huastecs ,Geographically it has been defined as from the Siera Madre Oriental to the Gulf of mexico with the Sierra de  Tamaulipas as the north border and the Cazones river as the south.Surrounded by beautiful waterfalls and the forest within to expand your adventure,one must visit this place.


Well to start from the beginning,I must confront you the exact date and the place from where this trip  has  started.On 17th march 2017,we altogether 13 people  started our journey ,with a new guide Jesus.Heading towards the destination ,and of  course at night when you seem to have adventure and fun amalgamated with,life gives you an eternal bliss..The gangs that we developed were no lesser compared  than any other gang one could have ever find out.Despite of so much uncomfortable seats and travelling for a long journey,everybody seemed to be very enthusiastic and energetic.Kudos to all of you..Rock on...


Nights were whispering and we were gossiping,endless talks and of course with numerous  ghost  stories were the subjects of interest..By the time flew on,we reached at 10 am on 18th March ..The next day seemed to be quite  tiring but who cares.From there only we somehow  managed to get freshen up and got started for the exciting events.Believe me,I was really not sure about the next venture.But what I have experienced would be my lifetime experience forever,.



Well ,being a non swimmer,and that too always excited to be in the part of water activities,I was very much afraid about this event that you all are watching over this pic.But when life gives you something in front of you and you should explore it for at least once,My hubby first took the chance and then he felt being a non swimmer that its not easy.By that time me and Arpita were busy finding some different places and finally we all got it..The place was like  heaven on earth..One would feel like dancing over it and enjoying every bit of it. But adventure was still waiting for us,,.We could find a rope and with that help we were in a safer zone for very sure.But with the sheer motivation of my friends me and Arpita ,took that very challenge to swim inside the cave...Believe me guys,For the very first time I was quite deep into the water,thank god for the life jacket but I must thank Saran,Pattavi,Sam and Ram ,,these guys helped me like anything..,For me it was Saran and Pattavi,who didn't leave a single moment to leave me,The sheer motivation that you guys hooked me with is unforgettable...I was feeling excited at the same time I was  scared too.But the experience that I got had left something very deep inside me..



This wonderful saga  continued for long time and then we all hooked up like anything for photoshoot,,The caves and the waterfalls are the two very best thing that compliment each other..If I would start describing or  portraying the scenic beauty ,then words would have been very less for all this.,.The greeneries ,the stones,the rocks,the sounds,birds chirping and of course the fun altogether with the atmosphere within.can make you feel like you are in the heaven..


The aftereffect was tremendous..You get to feel hungry like anything and when it happens you become mad,,So again the very cheerful thing happened as we all were very much hungry,and there was shortage of time and it was quite late...But when enthusiasts are there who cares..It was more of like a picnic that we did,,Different foods altogether shared with all of us...a feeling of love and affection was rising in,

                                     ENJOYING FOOD....PICNIC AT ITS BEST


The sun was setting down and another place was knocking in to explore and guess what..It was again a waterfall,..By watching the scenic beauty one could have ever imagined the movie Bahubali and same applied for us also,we watched it.The force of the waterfall was strong and we enjoyed over there like anything..



 Tiring of nonstop ridings and events ,now it was the time to reach  hotel..We reached at our hotel at around  7 pm and after getting freshen up the dinner was  something awaiting this time and the bite for pizza was like an ace on the cake.Having dinner altogether on a round table and obviously with some chitchats,the night was coming in...till the dawn another excitement was ushering in for the next day.



Day 2-19th March

The sun was rising in and everybody were attempting and planning for a new beginning ,a new thing to explore.Whe you get to have some like minded people,for whom travelling is the ultimate destination,enjoyment is ought to hit you,,As the time passed on,we all went ready to go  from our hotel at around 7.30am  and this time we were heading towards a new ride.guess  what?River Rafting,,Now the name seemed to be quite different but this was my another dream that came true at last,I don't know may be I am quite adventurous and funloving and for these two traits,exploration is the best word in my dictionary.. ..One boat and  all 13 people altogether,Trying for the first time,with sheer determination and energu,we somehow started the boat.While roaming it was really fun for all of us to play with some sprinkles of water passing here and there to the other boat passengers,,The slogans that we hooked up to was BHARAT MATA would have surely imagined how  ruthless about all these crazy stuffs,Moreover our entertainer Ram began with his melodramatic slogan..Baby baby,,,referring to our little Ishan.Drained with loads of water on our bodies and almost rowing with a bit of pain in your hand,fun was the ultimate word to fir in that situation

                                                JESUS WITH ALL OF US ...

                               RIVER RAFTING ...WONDERFUL HAPPENING

The scenic beauty while passing on  was marvellous..One could have dreamt of heaven forever showering its blessings..



The to and fro river rafting was one of my memorable events that I have come acrossed.While passing through this exotic ride we again came to another cave and this time it was quite deep and dark..There was no rope in side the cave and again couldn't make myself aloof from the adventure.


Completing River rafting was not at all the last thing for us on that day..There was another place waiting for us..BIRDS CAVE.,.



Well nobody knew that what the other thing was leaving behind us..We were waiting for a  short trek..The cave was much much deeper down and we  had to step down a lot to reach there..In the meanwhile,there were forests and the chirping birds who were accompanying us..



The bird's cave was  something very interesting and enthralling.The enchanting melancholy of the chirping birds and their  returning through the cave was a  natural beauty altogether.the birds were huge in numbers and it was their perfect time when they used to arrive in the cave,,The cave was much deeper and we  somehow  managed a bit to watch some birds..


The day was saying bye and the night was welcoming us..Riding again though the bus we started for our next venture and this time it was camping.The night at the camp was one of the most exciting things that we all have loved to do..Heading towards a forest and at night it was all of a superb experience altogether.At the beginning it was quite a hurdle to find a place for bonfire and camping ..the tents were not enough but somehow  we  managed..The best thing and the best memory that I could personally carry with myself from this trip is none other than the Bonfire  party..With no food and dinner  at night,we just  forgot of  having food..Some musics with rocking numbers and we all were there dancing altogether,,THE STORY OF KATAPPA...begins from here...I feel Pattavy would certainly feel nice while reading the KATAPPA story..KATAPPA NE BAHUBALI KO KYUN did non stop dancing and mischievous things  altogether that led obviously other people awake,.Till 4.45am we were awake and when we headed towards the camp to sleep ,another funny thing happened and this time it was  someone's snoring that was coming from some other person..Tent to tent ,,,the chatting sessions were memorable..




..The last day ,the last morning ,after so many happenings back to back,where we had a very short sleep last night but still some happenings were knocking in..Before leaving the plave with a goodbye note.we got into another place and this time it's quite historic..It  was ED SAM'S PARK..The park was innovated by the writer ED SAM and as he was quite bohemian at his times,he cultivated and portrayed some innovative ideas of plants with their assemblings in the park.



After the story of Ed Sam and his creativity,one would have ever  imagined his love for nature while visiting this park,But to be very honest,there should be a maintenance in the park.The park has  some beautiful places with some natural waterfalls .The whole architecture of the park was well framed by Ed.He must be applauded for it.



The trip towards the park was something that ended everything ,that ended everything with a new hope of reuniting again,In Mexico ,I have been through many places to visit ,but the trip of LA HUASTECA POTOSI would remain something special for me always.The people ,and the places created a good chemistry with a solid equation.Life is too small ,and obviously there is a doubt if I would return to Mexico again or not but the memories never fade.Neither the memories nor the people ,nothing could be erased,,,never ever,,I hope my fellow mates ,those who have been with me in this trip ,are feeling emotional while reading this blog.Yep to be very frank ,being a blogger ,and being a person who is funloving for sure,I love to capture moments with my writings and so in the blog..Hope to get some comments for jotting down some lines for you all and hope again to get some comments from those viewers who are enjoying now  reading it out..

Miss you....LA HUASTECA...Miss the TRIP.....

Monday 26 September 2016

Frida Kahlo Museum...Journey through art and life...


                                                        FRIDA KAHLO......THE  WOMAN OF  SUBSTANCE......

Hello all  today my blog fells  emotional...Much awaited and  anticipated. The  journey of   Frida  kahlo

Well being a new  girl in the  city...I  did not have  any  sort of idea  about  the legendary Frida  Kahlo...What I can say...A women...A  feminist...A revolutionist..A bravo..A  fashionista..and AN ARTIST.....BORN ARTIST..

I am a die  hard fan of  art and  visiting the  exotic Museum of  Frida  Kahlo's  house...Better the BLUE  HOUSE..aka....LA  CASA DE  AZUL...(spanish)..made  me  mad  like  anything.Though its too  late  to  blog  down about her but pardon,,,Now  I will let you ride a rollercoaster of Frida's Journey...

Frida was an enormous  painter ,an  artist who  was  born in 1907 and she was a Mexican indeed..Living her  whole  life  in the  hearts of  this  city she  has bestowed her  everything here..Through her  art  and  messages..At her teenage ..she was  broken  with an accident where a  bus  collides in the  street of  Mexico..Several  peoples were  injured and it  left Frida with several fatal iron handrail impaled her through pelvis fracturing bone...arms ..ribs and  collarbone..She  was initially  hospitalized but after several  medications  she  became little  bit better after that incident...the  sense of  handicapp was  growing slowly but a  pencil and  a paper became  her  best  friend then..

Frida was  born in a  family where  her  father  was a renowned  photographer.and  she  had  two  sisters..Being a  joveal and an energetic  girl she  never  gave  up..

But the  accident smashed  her  dream of  becoming  doctor..She  suffered  from  serious  fatigue till  many  years,, and she  used  to wear a plaster  corset  which can be  seen still  today  in Frida's house..
The  Xray report also  identified the displacement of  three  vertebrae..

But the  bravo  Frida was  not a girl  to  give up ...She  started moving her  career  into  medical illustrator that  combined  both science  and  art...Being an activist she joined Mexican Communist  party..And  from there  her new  era  began,,,DIEGO RIVERA....

Diego Rivera was none  other  than the  most notable famous  artist and a  Communist  leader..His  work paved  Frida and  frida  asked  him to  judge her  paintings  so  that  she  could pursue  her  career in that,,Being a  fab of  Diego Frida was  moved  by  this  person and slowly their  chemistry became the  talk of  the  town ...

Diego was 42  years then ..much  senior  to  Frida and  he  was  famous for being a WOMANIZER...Having two  wives...Diego yet  married  Frida..And the couple was called  as AN ELEPHANT WITH THE DOVE..

Frida and her  paintings spoke  much  about the  silence that was  with her..Her paintings were  praised all  over then,..Diego was  bowled over her art and creations...Despite an artist Frida was a  fashion designer and a  fashionista..Her sense  of  dressing was amazing...

At a  glance  i was  bowled over into the museum ...At that  come one  woman can be  so so  creative..despite being physically  handicapp..Truth  are the  words that mental strength is the  biggest  strength,,,

The  concept of  puppet dance was created by  Frida..

Being a woman of  substance and being a loving  wife ...Frida was  never happy  with her lovelife..Its  very  sad that as  Diego was a  Womanizer who had  plenty of  relationships  but  still Frida was special and  respectful in his  eyes  as  always..

Then came a time  when Frida and  Diego got  seperated but destiny had  planned  something new..Few years later they  got  married  once again and THE  BLUE  HOUSE became the last place to breathe infor these  two  artists ...One  can go  mad  after visiting  around the  whole  house

Its  true  that  artists never  die...I  got  emotional  while feeling her..The  colours..the.brushes...the  puppets and  the  place where  Frida  used  to Paint was so lively..

In her last  counting days  she was getting worse and  it was  the  year  1954 when she  got  stuck to  severe  illness and  that caused her  death into....She  was  47  years  old,.During her era...she  became  one  of the  most renowned  artists  of  the  world..Her  paintings  were  applauded all  over..

This   specific  picture painted by  her was a resemblance to  herself...The  pain of getting  broken  down  day  by  day...Once Frida  said..."I  paint myself because I am so  often alone"

Every person has  some  quotes in their life..But  Frida was an example  with herself..She  often said, "Why i need a  feet when I have wings to  fly"

Yes She  is alive...She  is  alive  with her  creations .and  in THE BLUE  HOUSE....


Thursday 4 August 2016

Acapulco trip


            When you urge  for  something and  suddenly it  comes....u feel goosebumps..Same  here..My  latest  trip  to Acapulco for  2  nights 3 days  was unbelievable enjoyment at its  best.,Hold all might be   wondering about what I am blogging here ??.Yes though I am blogging down my  emotions and  memories but after  reading it  out  i  want my  viewers to drive in to the exotic  location of  Acapulco through my  words through  feelings,,..

This  time  again our  friends Litan da  and  Suparna  with  their  sweetest kid  Ishaan were there to accompany us.We  boarded a bus from bus  terminal to Acapulco...

Before winding up and  carrying you  throughout  the journey lets know  something about the  place,

Acapulco is located on deep,semicircular  bay and  has been the  city since ancient history of  Mexico  began in..It may be termed  as  the  sea  port  which is located in the  Pacific  coast  of  Mexico.The  ocean  which  is  famous....PACIFIC OCEAN,,,,,Blue ocean...

Acapulco is  famous  for  its  beach  resorts  at  its  best..Numerous  resorts  are there to live in and  each  resort has its private  beach of  its own  to behold its  beauty..One  can realise the  epitome of  beauty after  visiting here..We reached there  in afternoon and we  stayed in one of the bestest hotel ...ELCANO...It was a  dream come true  when i saw the balcony  for  the  first  time,..The balcony was facing seaside...where  whispers of  seashore...the  enchanting melancholy  stings  and the  beauty of  the  sun rise  ...were  welcoming us...

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Trip to Mexico ....GRUTAS DE ..TOLANTONGO.....


Another exciting memorable  trip for me ,infact for  both of  us was THE TOLANTONGO trip,,Well  it  sounds quite  weird but believe me  guys its an amazing place to visit..

We boarded tourist  bus from mexico  city and  these time  we were  not  alone,,My  husband's friend and  his  wife  with his  sweet  kid  were also  with us,I  know if  Litan Das (Litan da)  and Suparna Das( Suparna ) are reading my blog ,then hope  they  will enjoy  ,,,,It  was  almost   4  hrs  journey and  we  reached  the  spot  at  2.30pm.We were new  and  we  did not  know  that there were no  availability of  hotels..It was a meer  shock for  all  of  us but  at  a glance  when i got time  to look around ,it was like a feeling of  adventure and excitement altogether within..Wow it was like a  place so  much  of  adventure...

Yet  we  didn't  know that  something adventurous  was there waiting for us..You all might be thinking of  what ,but  yes  it was a  new  experiment for me,We  didnt  get hotel but we  managed a Tent to  live  in for  that  night..And  it was more  exciting as many  people were njying their  living in the  tent..How much  fun it  would  be  to  live  in a tent...OMG!!  I  was  superrrrrrr excited as  i  always  wanted  something the  trip..
After the  tent management was  completed  we  all  went  for  sight scene but OMG!!.....Suddenly my eyes  got stucked  into  the  scenic  beauty ..It was  marvellous and  exotic too...
Now let  me  tell  you  briefly  about the  place  and  history  behind Grutas de  Tolantongo,

It  comprises

.The  Resort is made  up of  three hotel  complexes  and heated pools near the  bottom of a steep  box  canyon that  has  got  walls  of  500  m high.The main attraction is two  grottos at the canyon closed  end out  of  which  flows a  volcanically heated river that  follows  the  canyon floor.Above the  grotto  is a  tunnel,a  small  cavern  15 mtrs deep in which warm water showers those  who  ventures inside